The roots help to anchor the plant and prevent it from lodging (falling over due to the weight of the fruit). These plants have the ability to develop adventitious roots from the stem, and by planting them slightly deeper this root formation is stimulated. For nightshade crops (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant) the root ball can be buried a little deeper. As with any general rule, there are exceptions. If your plants are in peat pots, be sure the top rim of the pot is covered with field soil to prevent the pot from wicking water away from the roots. The general rule is to cover the top of the root ball, to prevent the lighter growing medium around the roots from drying out. Make planting holes, drop in the seedlings, and cover them up as quickly as possible to minimize the time the roots are exposed to air.Don't let them dry out during planting! Keep the trays in the shade until you need them. Water plants thoroughly before taking them to the field.Getting them into the ground (if weather permits) before they flower will allow the roots to resume growth and keep them growing vegetatively for a while longer, resulting in stronger plants and better performance all season. They will produce earlier, but overall yield will be reduced. Old transplants may have reached a reproductive rather than vegetative stage of growth, evidenced by flowering in the cell tray. They should be planted out when they have enough roots to hold the root ball together so they come out of the plug flat easily, but before the roots start to circle or emerge from the bottom of the cell. Transplant when your plants are the appropriate size.Here are some strategies for minimizing transplant shock in your seedlings: Transplant shock happens to all plants, but most vegetables are able to recover quickly if handled carefully.

The phrase "transplant shock" refers to the setback in growth that plants experience when moving from one environment to another or from having their roots damaged by a move. That entails avoiding transplant shock, providing the right kind of fertilization, and having irrigation set up so you can water from Day 1. Your goal is to keep them growing rapidly through the transition. Planting time has arrived, and the seedlings you grew so carefully inside, then hardened off gradually outside, are ready to go into the field or garden. Subscribe to Growing for Market for more great ideas about growing and marketing!įor more topics in the series, click on Market Farming Basics in the left column. Growing for Market in partnership with Johnny's Selected Seeds has created a library of expert information about growing and selling vegetables and flowers.