In order to craft the helmet, suit, and gloves, players will need a grand total of four Fiber Mesh and four Snow Stalker Fur. Next, players will need to head back to a Fabricator to take a look at what each of the three different pieces require. There is only one Cold Suit fragment in Subnautica: Below Zero, and to find it players will need to venture to the Phi Robotics. RELATED: Subnautica: Below Zero - Where to Find Nickel Ore In order to get it, players will first need to find the fragment associated with the item and then gather the materials to fabricate it. This means they will be able to spend extended periods of time above water or even underwater in the colder areas of Subnautica: Below Zero. The Cold Suit greatly increases the player's resistance to freezing temperatures. Even so, this is much easier said than done for a number of reasons.

While there are some steps players can take to mitigate the freezing cold, one of the best ways to do this is to find the Cold Suit. As the name implies, many regions in this game are arctic, and players will also have to monitor their body temperature in order to avoid freezing to death. Drowning, suffocation, hostile predators, starvation, and thirst are a few of the problems that players will face while exploring Planet 4546B in Subnautica: Below Zero, but even that isn't an extensive list.